
About Half Down Bail Bonding

Half Down Bail Bonds is located in the great city of Fairfax, Virginia. Our staff is made up of a great team of some of the most experienced Bail Bondsman in the area. We are available for contact with any issue anytime. Feel free to give us a ring at 703.369.5555

Half Down Bail Bonds, Fairfax, VA is a place where people can call or go online to find information about bail bonds. Our bail bondsmen are available 24/7 to field your calls and give expert advice on all Virginia bail bonds. Our website provides information that will help you understand the bail procedure. Half Down Bail Bonds is an owner-operated property bail bonding company which allows us to provide reliable bonds, serving locally in Northern Virginia. We take pride in guiding you throughout the entire bail bonding process, including attorney referrals and follow up information. If you, your family or friends need a bondsman to arrange bail, call us! “Know Us Before You Need Us.” Smaller owner-operated bail bond companies, like Half Down Bail Bonds, deal in a very competitive market. We are confident that our excellent customer service will encourage repeat business. We appreciate all feedback and encourage anyone interested in our service to view our excellent reviews on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Places and Superpages. Small bail bond companies know that customer service goes a long way. Our special attention to friends and families of ones that are in the legal system is our top priority. Offering a personal touch is important for Half Down Bail Bonds of Fairfax, VA for bail bond services to succeed. Our bail bond agents are there to offer you quick bail bond information and sense of relief knowing you are in the hands of bail bond experts.
If you are in need of a bondsman contact us: E-mail: halfdownbonding@gmail.com Phone: 703-369-5555

Partner Businesses
Kingdom Bail Bonds: www.kingdombail.com
Bail Bonds and Company: www.bailbondsandcompany.com
Preferred bail Bonds: www.preferredbailbonds.com
Lookout Bail Bonds: www.lookoutbailbonds.com
Half Down Bail Bonding: www.halfdownbailbonding.com

What is a Bail Bond?
A BAIL BOND is a written guarantee that the accused person will appear in court on the date and time agreed upon. BAIL BONDS are determined by the nature of the crime and flight risk. In some cases bail can be revoked entirely if the judge feels the accused is a danger to the public or a risk of flight. At this point you may appeal the judges decision to the higher court (CIRCUIT COURT) to seek a different outcome.

What types of bail can be posted?
Cash Only Request: This is amount requested by the court that would be paid by the defendant and or the co-signer. They must fully read and sign a written contract that guarantees that the defendant will appear before the court on the date that was set by the court.

Secured Only Request: This is where property and or title would be pledged and agreed on between the bondsman and co-signer in the written contract that is worth at least as much or more than the amount of the bail in these situations.

What happens after I sign a Bail Bond contract?
You are promising that the defendant will appear to court and that if he does not appear you will assist in apprehending the defendant or pay the full amount of the BAIL BOND set by the judge or magistrate. Failure to do so will result in a lawsuit.

How Does the Bail Process Work?
In Virginia the bail bond process is secured by a “surety bond”. Typically a family or friend will contact BAIL BONDS AND COMPANY by internet, phone, or in person to get the procedure completed. Once this contact is established the bail bond company in Fairfax will take that information and get the bail process started. Keep in mind that the bail process only works if the suspect has been granted a bail amount. Once this has been established the fee for bail will be assessed to you. Information requested for a bail bond is taking your personal information, work information, marriage information and family involvement to help reduce the risk of fleeing the BAIL BOND. This entire process cannot be done if the suspect has not been “booked” and “processed”.

The family involvement is important to Half Down Bail Bonds. to help reduce the risks the co-signer and company assumes when taking on the guarantee of the defendants appearance in court. At this point once the bail bond has been confirmed the paper work begins. All are forms can be viewed on this website at any time. You will receive a copy of the signed contract for your records.

Bail Bonds Procedure
When someone is arrested in Fairfax they are taken and transported to a police station and “booked”. When a suspect is in the booking process in Fairfax they are taken through a procedure where information is taken. Charges against the suspect and identification are taken for processing in Fairfax. At that time a police background will be checked on the suspect for warrants or past history offenses. Once that information has been obtained the suspect is finger printed and indexed in the computer system. Once inside this system pictures are taken as well as possessions. These possessions are documented into the system and are signed off by the suspect typically. Intoxication checks will be done on suspects and different types of checks could be done possibly. Once this procedure is completed the suspect is escorted to a jail cell where they are allowed to make 3 free phone calls. After 3 free calls all phone calls from a jail inmate are done by “collect call”. These calls may request the receiver to prepay using a credit card to accept these calls. If you are expecting a call from a inmate in Fairfax we recommend that you have a credit card handy. Collect calls can not be made to a cell phone. Once this call has been established you will have the chance to speak to your friend or family in Fairfax. At this point your friend or family my request for a bail and it is important to discuss your options at this time.

Types of Bail Bonds
Our bondsmen handle many types of bonds, such as:
• All Criminal Bonds
• All Traffic Bonds

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